An old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers.
Examples for "rose campion"
Examples for "rose campion"
1From left to right, ivy geranium, snapdragon, geranium and dusty miller]
2Sometimes one still came upon him in dusty miller's clothes, giving his man a day off.
3Small insects of night gathered, and at last a little dusty miller, but nothing came of any size.
4The dusty miller was scratching his head in puzzled wonder at just the minute Dick arrived on the scene.
5Look at him, just look at him, Looizy, sweating himself a day like this, over a common dusty miller.
1The young girl began by embroidering her school aprons with borders of forget-me-nots and mullein pinks, in colored crewels.